This is a question regarding the external opening of branchial cyst
In branchial cyst, the external opening is:
a. Lateral pharyngeal wall
b. Behind the tonsil
c. Lower 2/3rd of neck
d. Upper 1/3rd of neck
Ans: D upper 1/3rd of neck
Explaination :
- Branchial cysts aka Branchial cleft cysts are congenital epithelial cysts, which arise from the failure of obliteration (destruction) of second branchial cleft. Branchial celft is ectodermal in origin
- It is seen in the lateral part of the neck
- Rarely, the cysts can develop from the first, third, or fourth clefts,
- Wall of the cyst is composed of either squamous or columnar cells and may feature lymphocytic predominance
- Second branchial cleft cysts account for a majority of branchial cleft cysts and can be found along the anterior border of the Sternocleidomastoid muscle.
- Usually they are asymptomatic.
Ending thoughts on external opening of branchial cysts
Branchial cyst is a vestigial remnant of 2nd branchial cleft. Squamous epithelium lines it. It appears in young adults and protrudes from beneath the anterior border of the upper 1/3rd of the sternocleidomastoid muscle as a fluctuant swelling that may transilluminate.

One response to “Where is the external opening of Branchial cyst present in the neck ? MCQ”
Good blog post.